HBL Internet Banking Services
Our product - Himal@net (Internet Banking, ARC IB) facilitates access to all your banking needs in a simple and secure environment over the internet, from the comfort of anywhere..
HBL SMS Alert Services
SMS alert on Debit & Credit transaction (Cash Deposit/Cheque Withdrawal, Remittance Credit)
Donation for Restoration of Shree Bhimsen Temple at Patan Durbar Square
Donation for Restoration of Shree Bhimsen Temple at Patan Durbar Square
CSR to Orphan and Helpless Children Development Association in Nepal (OHCDAN)
Donation to Teach For Nepal
Under the Corporate Social Responsibility, Himalayan Bank Limited has supported Teach For Nepal with an amount of Rs. 5 Lakhs for providing quality education to the students of various Community Schools.
Teach for Nepal, an NGO, is working in uplifting the educational condition of various subjects like Mathematics, Science, English in which the understanding of students of various Community Schools are in a low level. With its vision “ONE DAY ALL CHILDREN IN NEPAL WILL ATTAIN AN EXCELLENT EDUCATION”, Teach for Nepal since its establishment has provided quality education to over 30000 students of 67 schools of various 7 districts by sending 270 volunteers/teachers.
Himalayan Bank since its inception has been helping the community especially in the field of Education, Orphanage, Old Age Home, Conservation of Cultural Heritages, Health, Victims of Natural Calamities, along with sponsoring various awareness programs.
Amid a function, Mr. Ashoke SJB Rana, CEO, Himalayan Bank Limited, in presence of other Executive Officers of the Bank, handed over the sponsored amount of Rs. 5 Lakhs to Ms. Swastika Shrestha, CEO & Co-founder of Teach For Nepal.
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