Loan Product Rate

Types of Loan %Per Annum
Applicable Base Rate for Falgun 2081 (Average of Mangsir, Poush & Magh) 7.06%
Corporate Loan/SME/Business Loan_Premier -
Premier Demand Loan Base Rate + up to 2.00% p.a.
Premier Export Loan Base Rate + up to 2.00% p.a.
Premier Overdraft Base Rate + up to 2.00% p.a.
Premier Term Loan Base Rate + 0.50% up to 2.50% p.a.
Premier Short Term Pledge Loan Base Rate + up to 2.00% p.a.
Premier Importers Loan Base Rate + up to 2.00% p.a.
Premier Revolving Cash Credit Base Rate + up to 2.00% p.a.
Premier Non Revolving Cash Credit Base Rate + 0.50% up to 2.50% p.a.
Premier STDL - OC Base Rate + up to 2.00% p.a.
Premier SME/ Card Merchant Loan-WC Loan Working Capital Base Rate + up to 2.00% p.a.
Premier SME/ Card Merchant Loan-FTL Loan Fixed Term Loan Base Rate + 0.50% up to 2.50% p.a.
Premier SME/ Card Merchant Loan- Importers Loan Importer's Loan Base Rate + up to 2.00% p.a.
Premier HBL Small Personal Business Loan-WC Working Capital Base Rate + 0.50% up to 2.50% p.a.
Premier HBL Small Personal Business Loan-Term Loan Fixed Term Loan Base Rate + 0.50% up to 2.50% p.a.
Premier Deprived Sector (Retail): Non Revolving: Base Rate + 0.50% up to 2.50% p.a.
Premier Deprived Sector (Retail): Revolving:Base Rate + up to 2.00% p.a.
Premier Deprived Sector (Institutional): Base Rate + up to 2.00% p.a.
Premier Loan against Share of Company listed in Stock Exchange/ Easy Share Loan Base Rate + up to 2.00% p.a.
Premier Loan against First Class Bank Guarantee-Rated Bank Base Rate + up to 2.00% p.a.
Premier Loan against First Class Bank Guarantee- Non Rated Bank Base Rate + up to 2.00% p.a.
Premier HBL Farmers Loan-Fixed Term Base Rate + up to 2.00% p.a.
Premier HBL Farmers Loan-WC Loan Base Rate + up to 2.00% p.a.
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Corporate Loan/SME/Business Loan_Standard -
Standard Demand Loan Base Rate + above 2.00% up to 4.00% p.a.
Standard Export Loan Base Rate + above 2.00% up to 4.00% p.a.
Standard Overdraft Base Rate + above 2.00% up to 4.00% p.a.
Standard Term Loan Base Rate + above 2.50% up to 4.00% p.a.
Standard Short Term Pledge Loan Base Rate + above 2.00% up to 4.00% p.a.
Standard Importers Loan Base Rate + above 2.00% up to 4.00% p.a.
Standard Revolving Cash Credit Base Rate + above 2.00% up to 4.00% p.a.
Standard Non Revolving Cash Credit Base Rate + above 2.50% up to 4.00% p.a.
Standard STDL - OC Base Rate + above 2.00% up to 4.00% p.a.
Standard SME/Card Merchant Loan-WC Loan Working Capital Base Rate + above 2.00% up to 4.00% p.a.
Standard SME/ Card Merchant Loan-FTL Loan Fixed Term Loan Base Rate + above 2.50% up to 4.00% p.a.
Standard SME/ Card Merchant Loan-Importers Loan Importer's Loan Base Rate + above 2.00% up to 4.00% p.a.
Standard HBL Small Personal Business Loan- WC Working Capital Base Rate + above 2.50% up to 4.00% p.a.
Standard HBL Small Personal Business Loan-Term Loan Fixed Term Loan Base Rate + above 2.50% up to 4.00% p.a.
Standard Deprived Sector (Retail): Non Revolving:Base Rate + Above 2.50% up to 4.00% p.a.
Standard Deprived Sector (Retail): Revolving:Base Rate + Above 2.00 % up to 4.00% p.a.
Standard Deprived Sector (Institutional): Base Rate + above 2.00% up to 4.00% p.a.
Standard Loan against Share of Company listed in Stock Exchange/ Easy Share Loan Base Rate + above 2.00% up to 4.00% p.a.
Standard Loan against First Class Bank Guarantee-Rated Bank Base Rate + above 2.00% up to 4.00% p.a.
Standard Loan against First Class Bank Guarantee-Non Rated Bank Base Rate + above 2.00% up to 4.00% p.a.
Standard HBL Farmers Loan-Fixed Term Base Rate + above 2.00% up to 4.00% p.a.
Standard HBL Farmers Loan-WC Loan Base Rate + above 2.00% up to 4.00% p.a.
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Retail Consumer Loan_Premier -
Premier Home Loan upto 10 Years Base Rate + 0.50% up to 2.50% p.a.
Premier Home Loan above 10 Years Base Rate + 0.50% up to 2.50% p.a.
Premier Hire Purchase (Private) Base Rate + 0.50% up to 2.50% p.a.
Premier Hire Purchase (Commercial) Base Rate + 0.50% up to 2.50% p.a.
Premier Subidha Loan Non Revolving: Base Rate + 0.50% up to 2.50% p.a.
Premier Subidha Loan Revolving: Base Rate + up to 2.00% p.a.
Premier Education Loan Non Revolving: Base Rate + 0.50% up to 2.50% p.a.
Premier Education Loan Revolving: Base Rate + up to 2.00% p.a.
Premier Mortgage Loan -Secured Personal Loan Base Rate + 0.50% up to 2.50% p.a.
Premier Loan against Share of Company listed in Stock Exchange/ Easy Share Loan Base Rate + 0.50% up to 2.50% p.a.
Premier Personal Loan against Life Insurance / Endowment Policy Base Rate + 0.50% up to 2.50% p.a.
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Retail Consumer Loan_Standard -
Standard Home Loan upto 10 Years Base Rate + above 2.50% up to 4.00% p.a.
Standard Home Loan above 10 Years Base Rate + above 2.50% up to 4.00% p.a.
Standard Hire Purchase (Private) Base Rate + above 2.50% up to 4.00% p.a.
Standard Hire Purchase (Commercial) Base Rate + above 2.50% up to 4.00% p.a.
Standard Subidha Loan Non Revolving: Base Rate + above 2.50% up to 4.00% p.a.
Standard Subidha Loan Revolving: Base Rate + above 2.00% up to 4.00% p.a.
Standard Education Loan Non Revolving: Base Rate + above 2.50% up to 4.00% p.a.
Standard Education Loan Revolving: Base Rate + above 2.00% up to 4.00% p.a.
Standard Mortgage Loan-Secured Personal Loan Base Rate + above 2.50% up to 4.00% p.a.
Standard Loan against Share of Company listed in Stock Exchange/ Easy Share Loan Base Rate + above 2.50% up to 4.00% p.a.
Standard Personal Loan against Life Insurance / Endowment Policy Base Rate + above 2.50% up to 4.00% p.a.
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Loan Against FD/BOND/USD Denominated Loan -
Loan Against HBL FD (NPR) 1% above Coupon Rate
Loan Against FD/Bond of Other Banks Base Rate + Upto 2.00% but Min. 2% above Coupon Rate
Loan Against Government Bond Base Rate + 1.00%
Loan in Local Currency against FD (FCY) Base Rate + 0.50%
USD Denominated Loan 6 Month SOFR plus up to 5.00%
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Consumer Personal Loan (Fixed Rate) -
Home Loan (Upto 7 Years) 9.50% per annum
Hire Purchase (Private) - Up to 7 Years 9.50% per annum
Subidha Loan (Upto 7 Years) 9.50% per annum
Education Loan (Upto 7 Years) 9.50% per annum
Mortgage Loan - Secured Personal Loan (Upto 7 Years) 9.75% per annum
Commercial Hire Purchase (Upto 7 Years) 10.25% per annum

Notes :

1. Interest rate applicable on forced loan may very with risk premium form the published rate.
2. Interest rate in consortium financing as decided by consortium.
3. Interest rate in NPA accounts may vary from the published rate.
4. Penal Interest of plus 2% p.a. will be applied on overdue amount.
5. Bills Under import LC (BLC) and other forced loan will attract interest rate of 16% p.a.
6. Interest Payment for all types of deposit will be done on quarterly basis.
7. As per directives of NRB, no pre mature/withdrawal will be allowed for Institutional Fixed Deposit before end of 6 months.
8. With regard to revision of interest rates on loans, arrangements shall be made to ensure adherence to the directives of NRB which states the interest rate variance on similar loan types should not exceed 2% p.a.